It’s not rude to leave your job after three months.
But it’s not smart either.
It usually takes about 3 months to learn everything that there is to know about your department, company, co-workers and what deliverables you can really deliver.
Women in Startups: The Fashion Double Standard
The idea that everyone can wear wear jeans, a t-shirt and a hoodie every day doesn’t translate to women.
I remember hearing the founders of Rent the Runway speaking on a panel. They spoke about how they were told early on to get their nails done and that once they started dressing differently they were treated differently. I’ve searched some of their articles (as they give out a lot of good advice), but can’t seem to find a quote, so perhaps they only said it at the speaking engagement. But the bottom line is that these are two very smart women, who graduated from Harvard and they were told to change their style in order to get more funding and for their company to be taken seriously.
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Too Many Millennials Are Making This Big Career Mistake
Some people will assume that if you’re 25, you’re playing Pokemon Go at work.
Yes, there are studies and statistics that tell a certain story (check the Harvard Business Review and the Bureau of Labor statistics). Yes, these stories have hard, concrete evidence, but too often employers use those facts to make assumptions about their young employees. Whether it’s about their work ethic, use of technology, or perceptions about the world.
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5 Easy Ways to Make Your Cover Letter Stand Out
A Personalized Cover Letter Can Make All The Difference.
Is the cover letter is actually going to be read? That’s right, most companies don’t read them, but if they do, you have to have a good one. So you want to take the time to find out if a person will actually see it before you write the letter. If not, you don’t have to spend the time crafting the letter.
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